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Casa Loma

Casa Loma: Toronto's Fairy-Tale Castle and Its Owner, Sir Henry Pellatt
Photography by Vincenzo Pietro Paolo

This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Casa Loma, Toronto' s most famous historic site, and its owner, Sir Henry Pellatt.

Born in 1859, Pellatt was a fascinating figure: a romantic whose interest in architecture inspired the medieval-style castle that is now a Toronto landmark. Casa Loma took 300 men three years to build at a cost of $3.5 million. Completed in 1914, the castle was enjoyed by Pellatt for only ten years before bankruptcy forced it from his hands. Today, Casa Loma is owned by the City of Toronto and operated by the Kiwanis Club.
Novelist and historian Bill Freeman tells the story of Pellatt' s life and takes readers on a tour that covers every significant room in this dramatic hillside castle. The text is illustrated with full-colour contemporary photographs as well as fascinating archival material.

Author Bill Freeman tells the tale of Toronto's most historic site - Casa Loma and its owner, Sir Henry Pellatt. Pellatt was a record-holding runner, financier, industrialist, military enthusiast and romantic. Casa Loma took 300 men three years to build and cost $3.5 million in the early 1900s. Today, the city of Toronto owns the castle, a museum visited by more than 300,000 people annually. Casa Loma offers details of the castle and its fascinating owner.

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Trade Paperback

72 Pages, 8.25 x 9 x 0.25 in

June 29, 1999

James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers


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Casa Loma Conservatory


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