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Bill Freeman NFB National Film Board


Films & Scripts

Script Writer/Educational Consultant/Narrator:

Script Writer, "Mighty Machines 2," a fourteen part half hour programs for pre school children produced for TVO and Treehouse by Loten Media.

Script Writer, "Mighty Machines 3," a fourteen part half hour programs for pre school children produced for TVO and Treehouse by Loten Media. To be broadcast in the 2008-09 season.

Script Writer, Researcher, " Canada for Children," A three part series of videos for elementary school children. Produced for Schlessinger Media by Redcanoe Productions.

Script Writer, Researcher, "Elements of Earth Sciences," six educational videos for high school students. Producer: Algonquin Educational Productions.

Script Writer, Researcher, "Elements of Chemistry," six educational videos for high school students. Producer: Algonquin Educational Productions.

Script Writer, Researcher, "Elements of Physics," six educational videos for high school students. Producer: Algonquin Educational Productions.

Script Writer, Researcher, "Elements of Biology" A series of six educational films for the high school students. Producer: Loten Media. "

Scriptwriter, "Hamilton : Where the Rubber Meets the Road," Producer: Red Canoe Productions.

Scriptwriter, Researcher, Narrator, "Kiev Pecherska Lavra," 3rd Street Videos, 1995.

Narrator, "Remembering Toronto," PBS Buffalo.

The Shantymen of Cache Lake and First Spring on the Grand Banks is available at the National Film Board. NFB link

Bill Freeman introduces himself, tells of his interest in the world of work in 19th century Canada and then reads an excerpt from two of his historical children's novels -The Shantymen of Cache Lake and First Spring on the Grand Banks.

Part of National Film Board Videos for Children Collection.

1994, 13 min 57 s

  • Directed by
    Jocelyn Rehder
  • Produced by
    Keith Packwood
  • Production Agency
    National Film Board of Canada

Images from the film:

Shantymen of Cache Lake

Cache Lake



Shantymen - Bill Freeman











Web design by Baye Hunter