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New Urban Agenda

The New Urban Agenda:
The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area

Bill Freeman's new book, The New Urban Agenda, is equal parts history, social science, and call to action to solve the major problems facing the Greater Toronto, Hamilton Area (GTHA). Issues such as urban and suburban development, transit, the region's environmental impact, affordable housing, and traffic gridlock are all discussed.

Urban political problems are a hot-topic issue debated in municipal councils and the press, but never finding resolution. The book provides fresh insights and solutions to these political problems in the GTHA. Bill encourages individuals and community organizations to get involved in politics at a grassroots level. With no shortage of examples, he shows how this strategy can create the change that is needed to move cities forward in a way that benefits everyone, not just the business and political elite.

The New Urban Agenda was published in June 2015 by Dundurn Press. It is available through online book distributors and you can so a special order through your local bookstore.

To buy the book, click here.


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